Apple hardware review

No more Mac at the moment

Apple did not satisfied the public of Dev. Conference on June ’18 at all. Great new software but no evidence of new macs… disappoint grow.

Mac mini apple 2014 geniusmac review

Macmini – last update on October, 16th, 2014.

imac pro apple 2017

iMac 2017 – the most powerful iMac ever manufactured

Understanding the apple develop process

Sadness remain in Apple’s Users

Yes, Apple hardware, even if it is not the latest one, is the most powerful because the perfect mix between hardware and software give to Apple the unique opportunity to develop and sell great machines. But the fact Apple still do not introduce new hardware is possible to understand if you now a couple of further things.

Understanding the apple develop process


Intel releases 3 new chips

On April ’18 Intel introduced these 3 high performance chips, with better power management consumption, more Ram loaded (up to 32Gb.) more cores (up to 6 cores and 12 threads) giving to Apple the opportunity to build up a totally new and super-powerful lines of MacBook Pro as well as new iMacs and, hopefully, new MacMini.

core i9 coffee lake 2018 release
tastiera a farfallina Apple

New butterfly mechanism keyboards not loved by most users

Understanding the apple develop process


Be patient

More than this Apple received several complains about the butterfly mechanism keyboards, which is under free repair worldwide now, perhaps we should expect Apple new hardware with new great processor on late Autumn (Nov.?). So be patients for some months giving Apple the oppurtunity to deliver the most advance hardware and design solutions for the next two years. Maybe at a better price point!

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