Apple Consultancy

Mac Support

With over 26 years of experience on Macintosh platform we provide different kind of assistance

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mac assistance geniusmac 2019
Competence and experience

Mac assistance

Maintenance, configuration, updating, optimization of new and old Mac computers, with particular attention to the type of use that the machines or the devices will have to perform.

From small to huge size network

Server configuration

Set up of corporate networks, Mac OS X Server configuration, network management, restricted user access and all those operations to set up a professional network in small, medium or large companies.

Customized solutions for document management and Cloud based on specific needs.

server configuration geniusmac
mac book pro 15 Apple geniusmac
Enhance the use of Apple software

iWork courses

Professional training for the use of Keynote, the best program in the world for the realization of presentations and more.

In-depth courses also for Pages and Numbers, applications now essential for professionals who use Macs.

Take the best from your iDevices

iDevice at Work

Advanced teaching on the professional use of Apple devices such as iPhone and iPad.

Device settings, advanced settings, tips and suggestions based on the final use of these devices.


iOS 12 assistance geniusmac
tutorial ilife geniusmac
Enhance the use of Apple software

iLife courses

Professional teaching of the use of iPhoto, iMovie, Garage Band and all those Apple applications that express the creativity of your Mac.


Get In Touch

Let's build up a project

Analysis, study, planning and implementation are some building blocks of success.


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